Preparing for your hospital visit

Before your hospital visit, confirm when you should arrive. Find out whether or not you’re allowed to eat or drink before your appointment. Also, make sure to arrange for someone to drive you home – even if you are having an outpatient or routine procedure.

What to bring

Insurance and health information, including:

  • All insurance cards, including Medicare or Medicaid cards, if applicable
  • A list of your current medications. If you are staying overnight, bring any medications you are currently taking, in the original bottle
  • Employer information for worker’s compensation claims
  • Information on the person responsible for the bill
  • Automobile insurance card, if your visit is the result of an automobile accident
  • Your health history, including past surgeries, hospitalizations and allergies
  • Your doctor’s full name, address and phone number
  • Preauthorization, referrals and/or any other information about why you are at the hospital
  • A copy of your advance directive

Personal information, including:

  • Photo identification (driver’s license, military or government-issued card)
  • Birth certificate copy for minors
  • Phone numbers, addresses and emergency contact information

Personal items, including:

  • Hearing aids and extra batteries
  • Assistive devices, such as a walker or a cane
  • Shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, denture cup, comb or brush, shaver, lip balm and lotion
  • Slippers and a robe
  • A phone calling card if you think you’ll need to make long-distance calls
  • Reading material, such as books and magazines

What not to bring

  • Valuables, such as money, credit cards, jewelry (including body piercings), purse or wallet
  • Cell phones
  • Computers or video games
  • Food (we cannot store food for you)